Type alias ExportWalletResponse
ExportWalletResponse: {
curve: "ed25519" | "secp256k1" | "stark";
encryptedKeyShares: {
encryptedKeyShare: string;
signerId: string;
minSigners: number;
protocol: "CGGMP21" | "FROST" | "FROST_BITCOIN" | "KU23";
publicKey: string;
Type declaration
curve: "ed25519" | "secp256k1" | "stark"
encryptedKeyShares: {
encryptedKeyShare: string;
signerId: string;
minSigners: number
protocol: "CGGMP21" | "FROST" | "FROST_BITCOIN" | "KU23"
publicKey: string
Keyshares of the exported wallet. They are encrypted with the provided encryption key. The exported private key is re-constructed from these keyshares.